From Haley Stevens <[email protected]>
Subject The price of a coffee ☕️
Date March 3, 2023 2:46 PM
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I enjoy drinking a cup of coffee to kick-start my day just as much as the next person. But did you know the average price of coffee from your local coffee shop is now around $5?

Look, I always support Michigan’s coffee businesses when I can, but spending $5 five different times a week adds up QUICK. So instead, I have a proposition for you…

What if, instead of buying your morning coffee just one day this week, you chip in $5 toward my 2024 re-election campaign? I’ll explain why this will be the best $5 you spend this week, but first, click here to make your one-time $5 donation today! >>

Donate $5 >> [link removed]

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If everyone reading this email chipped in $5 right now, we’d be able to invest in a better Michigan in no time.

That means electing Democrats up and down the ballot who are committed to protecting abortion access, creating good-paying jobs, and supporting our manufacturing economy.

Every dollar donated—no matter how big or small—gives our campaign the resources to invest in field organizing, digital outreach, staff hires and volunteer trainings. And that grassroots infrastructure is how we’re going to take back the House majority in 2024.

So, for the average price of your morning coffee, will you pitch in just $5 to keep MI-11 blue? I know how essential coffee is, so I wouldn’t be asking unless this were important.

Donate $5 >> [link removed]

Other Amount >> [link removed]



Haley Stevens for Congress
33717 Woodward Ave #539
Birmingham, MI 48009
United States

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