92% of Republican veterans approve of Trump as commander in chief 
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Pew Research Center | Social & Demographic Trends

Social & Demographic Trends

July 31, 2019

Trump draws stronger support from veterans than from the public on leadership of U.S. military

The new study finds that a majority of U.S. military veterans (57%) approve of the way Trump is handling his duties as commander in chief, and about half (48%) say his administration’s policies have made the military stronger. 

Even so, significant shares of veterans are dissatisfied with Trump’s leadership: 45% say he doesn’t listen enough to military leaders in making national security decisions, and 41% say they have little trust in him to make the right decisions about the use of military force. Veterans’ assessment of Trump on military-related issues are generally more positive than those of the public.

In 2018, two-thirds of Democratic women hoped to see a woman president in their lifetime

Before any of the current contenders announced their candidacy, a 2018 survey found that about half of all women (51%) said they personally hoped a woman would be elected president in their lifetime, compared with 38% of men.

Most U.S. adults feel what happens to their own racial or ethnic group affects them personally

Baby Boomers are staying in the labor force at rates not seen in generations for people their age

Hispanics with darker skin are more likely to experience discrimination than those with lighter skin

On average, older adults spend over half their waking hours alone

Media Mentions

In survey, Trump draws strong support from US military veterans


Oldest baby boomers remain in workforce at highest rate in decades

fox business

Majority of veterans say US military campaigns in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan not worth it, poll finds

usa today



the share of women in the college-educated labor force as of the first quarter of 2019. Read more about women in the workforce here.

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