Will the EAA reservoir work as advertised? It had better.


They came from all over Florida: Public officials, political appointees from both the state and federal government, even Big Sugar sent an emissary.

The goal: To proclaim a new day dawning, one marked by clean water and prosperity as far as the eye can see.

For the new Everglades Agricultural Area Reservoir is going to change everything.

And after all the fanfare — it had better.

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ICYMI: Holding lawmakers accountable

VoteWater's Gil Smart joined Friends of the Everglades' Eve Samples and state Reps. Lindsay Cross and Anna Eskamani to discuss bad bills being filed in Tallahassee - and how we might hold legislators accountable this session. Use the button below to catch the recording.

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The worst bills out of the legislature so far? How about HB 1197 and SB 1240, which would ban local governments from regulating water quality, pollution, even wetlands! VoteWater's Gil Smart breaks it down in a video posted to our Facebook page.

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P.S. Signatures Needed! The "Right to Clean and Healthy Waters" petition needs 900,000 signature by November 30 to get on the 2024 ballot. The petition can be printed out and signed here: http://www.floridarighttocleanwater.org/

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