Dear Friends and Comrades!

This Saturday (25 January) at 2 pm on the fourth floor of the downtown library we'll be having our first meeting of what is certain to be a critical year in the country and in the U.S. left in particular.  We have huge challenges and unique opportunities, but, despite the urgency, we'll stay true to our project of organizing working people along lines of solidarity.  There are no shortcuts!

But, as many of us have found to our joy over the last two years, working with other passionate and dedicated folks toward a vision of a future free from the fear, the isolation, and the hopelessness that capitalism saturates us with is itself a partial relief from those things.  To paraphrase a wise councilor, we learn through radical struggles the nature of the world we want to create.

Our first order of business is to elect officers for the new year.  If you are a dues-paying member, please nominate officers using this form.  There will also be opportunity to nominate people from the floor.  If you are NOT a dues paying member, please join our national organization of 60,000+ socialists.

We will also have updates from our electoral working group pertinent to local elections and the Bernie campaign.  We will begin working on our own vision for the city and a platform for candidates, begin working toward an annual budget, and discuss labor issues around SEIU's campaign for city workers' wages.  Much more as well, you don't want to miss it!

Let's make this the year things turn around for the working class in Chattanooga. Join us.

In Solidarity,
Chattanooga DSA

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