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March 2, 2023

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2023 NASN Election

Election Dates: March 15, 2023 - April 15, 2023. Get to know the candidates.

NASN 2023 Registration Open

Choose from 3 registration options. Register early to get the best rate.

NASN News and Highlights

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Upcoming Events

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Weekly Digest Archive

See past issues.

President's Message

The connection between sleep and health is real, according to the National Sleep Foundation, and it affects every single person regardless of age. Sleep Awareness Week is March 12-18, 2023.

Getting enough sleep is critical for students to learn and grow. Check out the recommendations for sleep by age. Share these tips with families at your school to establish positive sleep habits.

There are also connections between what we eat and how we sleep. The National Sleep Foundation's blog has information on the relationship between food and sleep.

As our high schoolers learn to drive, it's also important to educate them about the dangers of driving while sleepy. Teens are more likely to drive while drowsy and get into a crash. Check out these tips to share with the teens in your school.

Linda Mendonça, DNP, RN, PHNA-BC, NCSN, FNASN
NASN President

NASN News and Highlights

Learn How to Develop Your Professional Identity in Nursing

In the NASN School Nurse March Podcast, Cynthia Galemore, NASN School Nurse Editor, interviews Donna Mazyck, Executive Director of NASN, about the article "Professional Identity in Nursing (PIN): A Narrative Essay." The essay describes Mazyck's school nursing experience and PIN formation, and introduces the PIN definition and domains.


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Increase Vaccine Confidence and Health Equity

Schools are a vital part of the vaccination effort. Champions for School Health project fall grantee WA's Sea Mar Community Health has created a video in Spanish promoting COVID vaccines for school-aged children. Watch and share the video with your school communities.

NASN's Public Resource Library has materials on Champions for School Health project grantee initiatives, free resources for school nurses interested in hosting school-located vaccination clinics, and more – materials to build vaccine confidence and keep communities safe. You can find them located in the folders labeled Champions for School Health.

Meet the Editor Bimonthly Web Meeting on March 8

Join us at 3:30 p.m. ET on Wednesday, March 8, 2023, for the next meeting in the Meet the Editor web series, Literature Reviews - Don't Go It Alone! The Journal of School Nursing Editor, Dr. Martha Dewey Bergren, will provide tips for authors and field comments and questions during this interactive meeting. For this specific meeting, attendees will be able to articulate the purpose and identify the types of literature reviews. Register now.

HPV Infection and Vaccination: Q&A Guide for School Nurses

International HPV Awareness Day is March 4. School nurses frequently interact with school-age children and their parents/guardians regarding vaccinations, sharing vaccine information that may dispel myths and improve vaccination rates. The NASN School Nurse article, HPV Infection, and Vaccination: A Question and Answer Guide for School Nurses, provides school nurses with a quick reference question and answer guide to address common HPV-related vaccination questions.

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School Nurse Provides Nurse-Chosen Products for Student Health Management

School Nurse, a division of Pocket Nurse®, offers thousands of nurse-curated products to manage K-12 student wellness. Products ship FAST, including first aid supplies, teaching tools, CPR/AED trainers, infection control items, and much more.

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Give Students a Healthier Education

Lewis’ School Nurse program gives you the skills to impact children’s lives as they go through the education system.

Learn More

School Nurses in the News

This section highlights news stories featuring NASN and school nurses. If you have a story about school nurses you'd like us to consider including, please send it to us.

NASN2023 Key Details

Registration Rates

Register by May 1, 2023, to get the early rate.

Join NASN first and save!

Make your travel plans.

See the FAQs.

Learning: NCPD CNE info

View the agenda: In-Person or Virtual

Speaking at NASN2023? See Info for speakers.

Join us for NASN2023 – face to face in sunny Orlando, Florida, on our virtual platform, or both! Attending these separate events with different schedules will benefit your entire school community.

NASN has assembled a Justification Toolkit with reasons to attend in-person, virtually, or both events.

The kit includes:

  • A letter from NASN President Linda Mendonça, DNP, RN, PHNA-BC, NCSN, FNASN
  • Learning outcomes
  • Funding ideas
  • Cost breakdown and reasons to attend
  • Important dates and deadlines
  • In-person requirements
  • Justification letter template to share with administrators or employers.

Managing Chronic Health Conditions

Medication Administration in Schools

NASN’s School Nursing Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline: Medication Administration in Schools, provides a uniform guideline for administering medication in schools, including evidence-based recommendations for the safe care of Pre-K-12 students who receive medications during the day. The School Nursing Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline: Medication Administration in Schools Implementation Toolkit includes sample policies, training and delegation forms and templates, checklists and protocols, and more and will help school nurses implement those recommendations.

Improving School Community & Student Health

Support Children Affected by Disasters

Children are more vulnerable than adults in disasters and public health emergencies and have specific needs for customized disaster planning. The AAP has developed numerous resources to help pediatric healthcare providers, families, and communities prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters and other emergencies. 

Mitigating the Threat of School Violence

Prevention of targeted violence should remain a key goal of schools and communities. The Department of Homeland Security produced this awareness bulletin for local communities to raise awareness of potential risk factors and indicators for targeted violence in schools and provide resources to become an engaged bystander as part of a comprehensive local prevention framework.

  • NASN Resources: See NASN's Violence in Schools page to find resources to assist in identifying the potential for school violence.

School Nurses Promote Health Care Access for Students

NASN holds the position that promoting continuous and initial Medicaid and State Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) coverage provides health benefits and supports health equity for eligible children and adolescents. Providing information about Medicaid unwinding and reminding families to update their contact information with Medicaid will enable them to respond to communications from the state Medicaid office during this unwinding.

Celebrate National Nutrition Month®

National Nutrition Month® is an annual campaign created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. This year's theme, "Fuel for the Future," highlights the importance of fueling our bodies at every age and eating with the environment in mind. Learn more.

  • NASN Resources: Visit NASN's School Wellness page to get information on school wellness policies and find resources for school nurses. 

Mark Your Calendar

JOSN Meet the Editor Bimonthly Web Meeting: Literature Reviews - Don't Go It Alone!

March 8

Articulate the purpose and identify the types of literature reviews.

Register now.

HIMSS23: Global Health Conference & Exhibition

April 17 - 21

Join your colleagues for exclusive education, exhibition, and networking opportunities

View registration instructions.

NASN 2023 Election Voting

Election Dates:

March 15 - April 15

NASN members will select a president-elect, secretary/ treasurer, and a nominating committee member.

Meet the candidates.



Early Registration

May 1

Register early to get the best rate!

Early: Prior to May 1

Regular: After May 1

Learn more and register

NASN Annual Conference:


June 30 - July 3

NASN is cultivating a new forward-looking, healthier mindset for our in-person conference; attendee wellness will be a priority.

Learn more and register.

NASN Annual Conference:


July 10 -12 (online)

Attendees can count on NASN's excellence at this event while attending from their own location or on their own time.

Learn more and register.

State Associations of School Nurses' Conferences

  • Maryland Association of School Health Nurses Annual Conference - School Nurse-Navigators "Remember the Past, Navigate the Present, and Prepare for the Future" - March 4, 2023 - Learn more

  • Missouri Association of School Nurses Spring Conference - School Nurses Planting a Lifetime of Health - March 25-26, 2023 - Learn more and Register

  • New Jersey State School Nurses Association Spring 2023 Conference - Reimagining School Nursing - March 25, 2023 - Learn more and Register

  • New Hampshire School Nurses Association Conference - Kids 1st on April 1st - April 1, 2023 - Learn more and Register

  • Delaware School Nurse Association Winter/Spring Conference - Save the Date - April 1, 2023 - Learn more

  • Ohio Association of School Nurses 2023 Annual Conference - Good as Gold, Celebrating 50 Years of Ohio Nurses - April 14-16, 2023 - Learn more and Register

  • Louisiana School Nurses Organization: 53rd Annual LSNO Professional Growth Seminar - April 18-21, 2023 - Learn more and Register

  • Wisconsin Association of School Nurses Annual Conference - Improving the Inclusivity and Visibility of School Nurses - April 26-28, 2023 - Learn more and Register

  • 2023 New England School Nurse Conference (Association of School Nurses of Connecticut) - School Nurses: Essential Anchors During Changing Times - May 6-7, 2023 - Learn more and Register

  • 2023 Mississippi School Nurse Association Conference - Transformation Through Adversity: The Resilient School Nurse - May 31 -June 2, 2023 - Learn more and Register

NASN Calendar of Events

This calendar includes upcoming events hosted by NASN and NASN affiliate school nurse organizations. Access the calendar.


National Health Observances Calendar

This calendar lists special days, weeks, or months dedicated to raising awareness about important health topics. Access the 2023 calendar. 


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