
And just like that, we are under direct attack from the MAGA Republicans who have taken over the House of Representatives. 


Rep. Jim Jordan — a MAGA Republican from Ohio who has been subject of a number of ugly scandals — recently sent a letter to the Co-Chairs of President Biden’s Supreme Court commission as the new chair of the House Judiciary Committee demanding communications with Take Back the Court and other organizations like us.


There’s no time to waste on petty political games like Jim Jordan’s. Our democracy is at stake. So today, we have to do something important: We have to send a message that their attacks will only make our advocacy stronger. And we have to do it in the language they understand best:

Contribute to Take Back the Court today as a way of saying you have had ENOUGH of extreme right-wing undermining our democracy.


Jordan’s right about one thing: there’s an effort afoot to undermine the Court’s independence. But that call is coming from inside the house, with the right-wing justices blatantly colluding with Republican special interests and violating ethics norms.


From spousal conflicts of interest to failures to recuse from cases to violations of basic ethics norms, there’s no scandal in which the extremist conservative justices won’t embroil themselves.


Let’s be clear: The right-wing justices are the biggest threat to the integrity of our highest Court. And clearly our lawmakers aren’t willing to step up and stop them. So it’s up to us.


We’re working every day to shine a spotlight on the myriad conflicts of interest, political activities, ethical transgressions, and potentially corrupt behaviors committed by Supreme Court justices.


Can you make a contribution today to help us hold these corrupt justices accountable?

We’re grateful you’re in this fight with us,

Sarah Lipton-Lubet
President, Take Back the Court Action Fund