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Today's Intelligence News From Around the World
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9/11 Mastermind Encounters the CIA Psychologist Who Waterboarded Him 183 Times --In a Guantanamo courtroom, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed sat just yards from James Mitchell, the man who tortured him.
Congress to Weigh Surveillance Reforms -- For the first time in twenty years, lawmakers are considering fundamental reforms to laws authorizing the surveillance of millions of Americans.
Canada's NSA Attacks Consortium News for Accurate Reporting -- The U.S. site revealed that deputy prime minister Chrystia Freeland misrepresented the pro-Nazi career of her grandfather.
The Death of Mary Meyer Explained:  A new novel recreates the intimate relationship between an ex-CIA wife turned painter and President John F. Kennedy
The Case for Attacking pro-Iranian Militias in Iran -- They constitute a state within a state--and a threat to U.S. forces in the country. 
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