Celebrate 100th Anniversary of CPUSA!

Renew your membership, pay your 2020 dues!

Dear John,


Can you believe it? It’s almost February 2020!


Election Day, November 3rd will be here before we know it.


I don’t have to tell you how devastating a second Donald J. Trump presidency will be – for democracy, for peace, for the environment, for workers, for immigrants, for students, for women, for people of color, for everyone!


We can continue to celebrate the centennial of the birth of the Communist Party, USA (September 2019 – September 2020) by doing our part in the broad democratic movement to help build unity and voter turnout to defeat the extreme-right. And by building the CPUSA by renewing our membership and paying our 2020 dues. 


Of course, millions are fighting back, taking to the streets like never before. Alarm is growing over the danger posed to our democratic rights and institutions. And socialism has become a mainstream point of discussion.  


In fact, “socialism” is enjoying a resurgence. National and local elected officials – from Bernie Sanders to AOC to state representatives and city council members – are talking about it. Medicare for All and tuition free university education have become prominent features of the electoral debate, too.


This moment in history is pregnant with opportunity.


And all across the country we’re participating in these discussions, debates, and movements.


Our comrades are on the ground in Iowa. They will be knocking doors, taking part in the Caucus, reporting for the People’s World and helping to shape the debate as we jump into primary season.


As the elections season unfolds, we’ll add the “communist plus.” Yes, we’ll register voters, engage and mobilize new voters, canvass, phone-bank and popularize advanced concepts – solutions to the systemic problems created by capitalism – while helping to defeat the extreme-right dominance of government at every level.    


In short, this is a critical moment in history – for democracy! None of us can afford to sit this one out.


The New Year is traditionally seen as a time to take stock, celebrate past work, make new plans, renew membership to the CPUSA and pay dues, which is why I’m writing you today.


Many CPUSA clubs are holding “dues” parties where members can also pay their 2020 dues and make donations.


If you can’t attend a “dues” party you can pay dues online, either for the entire year ($60 standard or $24 for low income and students) or in monthly ($5 or $2) recurring payments.


Dues and donations are essential sources of revenue for the CPUSA and fund many national, state and local activities, Marxist education, communication, outreach and engagement.


They demonstrate commitment to the health and wellbeing of the organization, including its financial wellbeing.


Also, once you pay dues you can request a membership card by sending a note to [email protected].


Thousands of people have joined the CPUSA over the past few years – an expression of their dissatisfaction with capitalism and respect for the role the Party has played throughout its proud history. This is indeed a “socialist moment” as CPUSA co-chair Joe Sims termed it.


It’s also the most important election in U.S. history. What we do between now and November can have a dramatic impact on the political direction of our country for decades to come.


I hope you will renew your CPUSA membership, pay your dues today and recommit yourself to the struggle ahead.   


In solidarity,

Tony Pecinovsky


For the Finance Committee


Communist Party USA
235 W. 23rd Street, 7th floor
New York, NY 10011
(Visits by appointment only)
Tel : 212-989-4994
Fax :212-229-1713
Email : [email protected]

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