John — Let me tell you about Josh Hawley’s latest lie.
Recently, he proposed a fake “ban on stock trading” for members of Congress that’s riddled with family and blind trust loopholes. It’s just another campaign prop to help that fraud get reelected.
The rest of us get thrown in jail for insider trading. Politicians should too.
That’s why when I’m in the U.S. Senate, I’ll file a bill to outlaw stock ownership for members of Congress and their families. And not with some “blind” trust BS either — a real ban, with real consequences.
If you’re ready to fight back against Hawley’s lies and finally hold our politicians accountable, please split a $15 donation between my grassroots campaign and Daughters Defend today. I’m not taking a cent from corporate PACs in this race, so you know I mean it when I say any amount makes a huge impact.
Here's my promise to you, John: Send me to Congress, and you'll never have to wonder if I'm fighting for everyday Americans. You’ll never wonder if I’m in office to enrich my own stock portfolio (I don't even have one!) — and any politician who gets in my way won't have to wonder either.
It’s time to take back our power from these corrupt elites and put working people in charge of our country.
Let’s get it done,
— Lucas