New Bill to Combat Child Sexual Abuse!

U.S. Senators Marsha Blackburn and Jon Ossoff have just introduced the Revising Existing Procedures on Reporting via Technology (REPORT) Acta crucial piece of legislation which will greatly aid in the fight against child sexual abuse!

The REPORT Act would make it mandatory for companies to report online child sexual exploitation to the National Center on Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), and increase penalties for failing to report. The Act would also greatly modernize the ability of NCMEC to investigate child sexual abuse material (CSAM, the more apt term for "child pornography"). 

Our country needs every tool available to confront child sexual abuse!

Read more about the REPORT Act here

FREE Resource: Building a Safe Internet for Kids

Children deserve safe environments where they can connect, learn, love, and thrive both off and online.

Advances in technology have sparked positive, new opportunities for children to grow. However, they have also opened the door to serious threats and profound harms to children’s safety and wellbeing.

Rather than improving with time, these problems are worsening at an exponential rate, with the Internet Watch Foundation reporting 2021 as the worst year on record for online child sexual exploitation.

The scope and magnitude of the dangers may seem daunting. But change is possible if every one of us fights to secure a safer, more joyful future for our children.

To learn more about the harms facing children online, and what solutions are possible, download NCOSE's FREE resource "Building A Safe Internet for Kids" here!


Kik: A "Predator's Paradise"

Picture this:  

You’re a parent of a 13-year-old girl who is just starting to discover the world of social media.  

As you’re aware that the online world can pose some dangers to kids, you try to do a bit of research on the various apps your daughter is using, to make sure they’re safe. There’s one in particular she spends most of her time on, and you haven’t heard of it before. It’s called “Kik.”  

Doing your due diligence, you browse the Kik website to see what this app is all about. Much to your comfort, the website is full of assurances that Kik is “built especially for teens,” and offers teens a “fun, safe place to connect.”  

You’re more than satisfied. What a stroke of luck that, of all the apps your daughter could have chosen as her favorite, she happened to settle on one that was specifically designed for kids her age! 

. . . Or so you thought.  
Read about why Kik is anything but built to keep teens safe here.

Pornography, Negative Body Image, & Eating Disorders: The Connections 

This week is Eating Disorders Awareness Week

Did you know that research shows pornography use is associated with eating disorder symptoms and/or body dissatisfaction? This is the case for teensadultswomenmen, and sexual minorities. It can affect anyone.

Sometimes, a person doesn't even need to consume pornography themselves to be affected. Research has also shown that a partner's pornography consumption can have an impact.

For example, one 17-year old girl says:

"I began to wonder why [my boyfriend] still consumed pornography if I was in his life. Was I not good enough? Would I ever be good enough? Is he pretending to like what he sees in me? Am I skinny enough?

This was where my suffering began. Somehow I got the sick, twisted idea in my head that as long as my boyfriend was hooked to porn, I would have to get skinnier; more beautiful . . . If I would have stayed in that relationship, I would’ve slowly slipped away. Pound by pound."

Read more about the concerning links between pornography use, body dissatisfaction, and eating disorders here.


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