What: 350 Fairfax, Zoom General Meeting. The Chesapeake Bay. ?What is Happening to It? ?What We Can Do.
When: Tonight, Thursday, March 2, January 7:30 PM
Description: ?The Chesapeake Bay Watershed is dangerously out of balance. ?This is where 18 million people -- including us -- live, work and play. ?Its ecosystem impacts the quality of the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat. ?At the same time, every action we take, and especially those that relate to our streams and rivers right here in Fairfax County, affects the bay. ?Even what we do in our own yards affects our bay watershed.
Caroline Shaw from the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, our speaker at our March 2nd meeting, will tell us about the bay, what is happening to it, why it is so important and what action we can take to help the health of the bay.
Action: ?Learn how we can work together on a project in June to help the Bay, in addition to other actions we can take. ?Bring your questions.
RSVP Here and a Zoom link will be sent to you. ?
For questions, contact [email protected]
Hope to see you on the tonight!
Sustainably yours,