So the Impeachment of President Trump -- that “solemn” process House Speaker Nancy “Tax-Funded-Pens” Pelosi mentioned even as she tried to hide her grin – is worldwide news, and it seems to be causing most

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Oops! Nadler Graphic Claims Hamilton Wrote Letter to Washington in...1972!

By Nick Kangadis | 23 Jan 2020

Besides his claim that President Donald Trump abused his power to push "Russian conspiracy theories," House impeachment manager Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) used a graphic displaying the content ofa letter fromAlexander Hamilton to the first...

President Trump To Become the First President In History To Attend the March For Life in Person

By Brittany M. Hughes | 23 Jan 2020

On Friday morning, President Donald Trump will become the first U.S. president in history to actually address the 47-year-old March For Life in person.While he’s already appeared at the March video live video in years...

Hakeem Jeffries: 'Rudolph Giuliani is a Cold-Blooded Political Operative for President Trump’s Re-election Campaign'

By Nick Kangadis | 23 Jan 2020

Seriously, Hakeem. Don't mince words. Tell us how you really feel.During the secondnever-ending day of the Democrat portion of the Senate impeachment trial of President Donald Trump, impeachment managerRep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) took part of...

CNN Analyst Admits to Fabricating Republican Impeachment Conversation: 'Maybe I Made Up the Convo'

By Nick Kangadis | 23 Jan 2020

I’ll never understand how people who work or have worked in the media can so blatantly lie about things that never happened as if people wouldn’t either find out or said person would be proven...


You can make a difference during the impeachment trial--call for media accountability!


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