Attention All Popular Educators and Organizers: 

NNIRR is launching the BRIDGE Institutes for Human Rights Leadership!



Dear NNIRR Friends and Family,

This spring, the National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights is launching its BRIDGE Institutes for Human Rights Leadership, starting at the U.S-Mexico border!

Our 2023 institutes follow in the footsteps of our landmark popular education curriculum, BRIDGE (Building a Race and Immigration Dialogue in the Global Economy). Through this new series, NNIRR is bringing together a cohort of leaders and organizers working on the frontlines of entrenched human rights injustices such as: migration, poverty, militarization, detention, and other forms of social and economic injustices.

Building upon strong cross-sectoral partnerships with labor, climate, environmental, and racial justice leaders, our goal is to provide local leaders with the skills and knowledge to anchor human rights organizing and mobilizing in their communities. Whether it’s fighting an unjust state law, modeling a city resolution for immigrant inclusion, building an organized response to a toxic waste site, or resisting a new immigrant detention facility.  Our aim is to leverage our collective organizing expertise and build a community of praxis rooted in social transformation.


More specifically, the institutes will open the space to achieve the following: 

  • Exchange experiences, tools, stories, and resources to develop leadership skills and transform the policies and institutions for the well-being of our communities.
  • Strengthen rights-based organizing in places most impacted by militarization, poverty, and other forms of violence.
  • Build solidarity across communities working at the intersections of migration, labor, climate, racial, gender, climate, and environmental injustices. 
  • Uplift and propagate stories, practices, and organizing models from communities living on the frontlines of racial, structural, and environmental injustices.

Will you join us?

If you’re an organizer, popular educator, or community leader and want to get involved in the BRIDGE institutes, please fill out this google form. If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Cruz ([email protected]) and Alma Maquitico ([email protected]) for more information.

In solidarity, 

The NNIRR Team


About NNIRR:

For 35+ years, NNIRR has supported grassroots organizing, policy advocacy, and capacity building in communities across the country, with a specific focus on the border. NNIRR affirms the right of mobility, that migrants’ rights are human rights, and that no international border can be a zone of exception when it comes to human rights protections. We work in partnership with grassroots organizers, indigenous leaders, migrants, and migrant rights organizations to urge governments to fulfill their human rights obligations and provide for the safety and due process of all migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers, particularly at borders. Human Rights, Popular Education, and Intersectional advocacy are overarching anchors of our work, aimed at building solidarity and strengthening the collective capacity of all people, particularly those who have been historically excluded, to become empowered to transform their reality.


Interested in learning more about BRIDGE and popular education: 

Visit our website to preview popular education tools and resources.


Support NNIRR!

Every contribution makes a difference. We are deeply grateful for your solidarity and partnership.

Your contributions support NNIRR to:

  • Advocate for immigration policy that centers human rights
  • Lift up grassroots leadership, organizing, and advocacy
  • Spotlight human rights organizing at the US-Mexico border
  • Advocate for international migrant rights & human rights at borders
  • Organize at the intersections of gender, climate justice, and migrant rights

Oakland, CA | El Paso, TX | [email protected]

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