We’re deploying our resources to push back against harmful voter suppression bills in the Peach State. 

Georgia Senate committee passes bill that bans drop boxes.
It also might violate federal law. 

— Georgia Public Broadcasting

Last night, in a rushed hearing with little debate, extremist state senators in Georgia passed SB 221 — expanding mass challenges and eliminating drop boxes for absentee voters.

It’s voter suppression, period.

Since the Georgia legislative session began in January, anti-voter lawmakers have introduced one voter suppression bill after another in an attempt to silence Georgians’ voices in future elections. They’ve proposed restrictions to weekend voting, redesigned ballots to make them incompatible with Georgia’s current election system — making it much easier to bring forth mass voter challenges — and unfortunately, much more. These restrictions are not only burdensome to hard working election workers, they are also major obstacles for eligible voters — especially young voters and voters of color.

Before we tell you more, will you be one of the 2,500 signatures that we need today to show that you strongly oppose these anti-voter attacks?


Here’s what you need to know about the latest anti-voter bill, SB 221:

With over 50 election officials and voters waiting to testify, extremist members of the Senate Ethics Committee chose to pass SB 221 to drastically cut access to drop boxes in the counties that used them most in previous elections. It’s no coincidence that these counties also have the highest proportion of voters of color.

At Fair Fight Action, we’re not backing down — we’re deploying our resources to push back against harmful voter suppression bills in the Peach State. Right now, that means organizing activists to contact their state representatives before SB 221 reaches a vote on the Senate floor.

We need all hands on deck as we work to crush every anti-voter bill that comes down the pipeline. That’s why we’re asking for you to voice your support for Fair Fight Action’s critical work right now:

Will you add your name to help us hit 2,500 signatures that oppose anti-democratic extremists’ harmful bills and show your support for voting rights across the country?


Thank you for speaking up,

The Fair Fight Action Team