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Hi John,

Ever wondered what campaigning really looks like…? Here are a few snaps from this past week that capture me in action. 

We were the very first campaign (of hundreds of campaigns) in Philadelphia to officially file for office. But we’re not done – we need thousands more signatures to get on the ballot.

I can’t tell you the number of meaningful conversations I’ve had these past few weeks as I’ve been out collecting signatures for our campaign. It’s very clear that Philadelphia is ready for a progressive controller.

And the issues that matter to all of us — accountable government, public banking, equitable and fully funded public education (the list goes on…) — are the ideals that will drive Philly voters to the polls this May 16.


Petitioning has just confirmed what we already knew, our movement has what it takes to win this election. 

…But that doesn’t mean our team can afford to slow down.

We’re in the final week of petitioning and could use your help! To sponsor a Team Hunt volunteer for this weekend’s petitioning drive, please use my unique link:


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As a progressive, pro-labor candidate running for office, I believe fair pay for work should be expected from campaigns like ours, not the exception. That’s why all Team Hunt volunteers are compensated a fair wage for the hours they put in. 

Paying our volunteers is the right thing to do. But it also means our campaign needs volunteer sponsors like you who are willing to step in and fund a few hours of petitioning work. 

So thank you, we simply wouldn’t be able to support our field program were it not for the generosity of supporters like you.   

With gratitude,

Alexandra Hunt, MS, MPH, ACRP-CP

Candidate for Philly City Controller


Alexandra Hunt is a public health researcher, a girls’ soccer coach, an advocate for social, racial, economic, and environmental justice, and a community organizer. 

She's the daughter of two teachers and a sister to a twin brother with a learning disability. Seeing the systemic obstacles her brother faced inspired Alexandra to become an advocate and challenge barriers on the basis of race, gender, class, and ability.

Now, Alexandra's running to be the Philly's next City Controller because the people in Philly work too hard for too little. And right now, line items in budgets create lines for food and health care. It's time to elect a City Controller who is going to prioritize the needs of the communities Philly's money comes from.

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