We’re not sitting back and watching as Democrats ram through their far-Left policies and ignore commonsense bills. We’re fighting back by exposing what’s really going on in Olympia.
Shift Washington


Here’s the scoop - we missed our fundraising goal for February, but it’s not too late to help us make up ground.

We are just $410 away from raising the money we budgeted to continue holding Democrats in Olympia accountable during this critical time.

The 2023 legislative session is almost halfway through – and, as we expected Democrats are pushing their extreme agenda while ignoring Republicans’ commonsense reforms to their failed policies. From repealing the Democrats’ failed police pursuit law, to lowering burdensome taxes, to legalizing hard drugs, families across our state deserve to know what’s on the table – and what the Democrats are trying to pass or kill.

But you cannot trust our state’s mainstream media to provide balance, or even close to fair, coverage.

We’re not sitting back and watching as Democrats ram through their far-Left policies and ignore commonsense bills. We’re fighting back by exposing what’s really going on in Olympia.

Will you help us by contributing $30, $40, or $50 today?

Your contribution will help us stay on budget in our efforts to hold Democrats in Olympia accountable. We hope you’ll help us make up the ground we need to continue our work.

Thank you,

The Shift WA Team