This is a critical decade for climate and nature action and the Green Party is needed now more than ever to challenge the other parties to tackle the Climate Emergency at the speed and scale that the science demands.



Over the last 50 years the Green Party has come a long way.


We have won the public debate on the need to tackle the climate and nature crises. And we have had tangible successes wherever we have been elected at national, European and local council level.


But this is a critical decade for climate and nature action and the Green Party is needed now more than ever to challenge the other parties to tackle the Climate Emergency at the speed and scale that the science demands.


Green Friends are a key part of our movement, giving a monthly contribution to support our work on climate action, getting exclusive access to events and discounts, and opportunities to meet with Green leaders and activists.


But they are not party members and can continue to be politically unaffiliated or remain as members of other parties.


Together we can build a fairer, more liveable future. Help us keep making history by joining our movement.

Whatever you are, be Green too 💚


Thanks for your support.


The Green Party