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Futures Without Violence is hosting a convening June 7-9 in Washington, DC to address emerging strategies for preventing and responding to elder abuse outside the legal system. Convening tracks will address restorative justice, economic justice, legal system off-ramps, and community partnerships.   

Submit your workshop proposal by March 14th! 

Are you interested in facilitating one of the workshops? Please review this Call for Proposals Guide and submit your proposal by March 14th! 

We're looking for interactive workshop sessions aimed at building skills, developing partnerships, and hosting dialogues to grow capacity for community-based responses to elder abuse.  

It's not necessary to have expertise in the intersection of both elder abuse and community-based responses. We’re coming together to work collaboratively on building multidisciplinary and survivor-defined responses—workshop presenters from adjacent fields are welcome!

Earlybird Registration Now Open 

Earlybird registration for the June 7-9 Strategies to Advance Greater Elder Safety convening is open NOW for $100 through March 14, 2023. General registration opens March 15th for $150.  

The convening will be held at the Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D.C.    

Note: the registration fee and lodging at the Omni Shoreham hotel will be covered for all workshop presenters. If you are submitting a workshop proposal, please wait to register until we’ve contacted you—earlybird registration rates will be saved for all who submitted workshop proposals, even those not accepted. 

Visit our STAGES 2023 convening webpage for more information about the convening. We hope to see you in June!     

Jennifer White, Vivian Baylor, Abby Larson  
The Strategies to Advance Greater Elder Safety (STAGES) Team 

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Futures Without Violence
100 Montgomery St.
The Presidio
San Francisco, CA 94129
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