Rep. Joanna McClinton made HERstory yesterday as the first woman speaker and the second black speaker of the House of Representatives.
She is the right person to steer Pennsylvania and the House of Representatives into 2023 and beyond. With Speaker McClinton at the helm, we will have the opportunity to move legislation to protect women, ensure LBGTQ+ rights, support our diverse small businesses, nuture our environment and invest in our youngest members of our Commonwealth.
I have had the privilege to work with Speaker McClinton over this last cycle and her integrity and commitment to serving the Commonwealth has been proven over and over again.
We are now, officially, the majority party in the PA House.
As you know we have a razor-thin majority – 102-101. This makes everything we do in the next two years more important than ever.
Please consider a small donation in support of our Democratic Majority.
And to all the young girls out there. You too can be speaker someday. Rep. Joanna McClinton is paving the way!