Dear Friend,

This week is Eating Disorders Awareness Week. 

Did you know that research show pornography use is associated with eating disorder symptoms and/or body dissatisfaction?

This is the case for teens, adults, women, men, and sexual minorities. It can affect anyone.

Sometimes, a person doesn't even need to consume pornography themselves to be affected. Research has also found that women whose male partners consumed pornography report body dissatisfaction and eating disorder symptoms. And male partners who consumer pornography report being more critical of their partner's body

One 17-year-old girl shared how her boyfriend's pornography consumption fueled her struggle with anorexia: 

"I began to wonder why he still consumed pornography if I was in his life. Was I not good enough? Would I ever be good enough? Is he pretending to like what he sees in me? Am I skinny enough?

This was where my suffering began. Somehow I got the sick, twisted idea in my head that as long as my boyfriend was hooked to porn, I would have to get skinnier; more beautiful. . . If I would have stayed in that relationship, I would’ve slowly slipped away. Pound by pound."

This girl's heartrending experience is only one example. 

In honor of Eating Disorder Awareness Week, we invite you to: 

💡 Educate yourself

Read more about the research-backed connection between pornography, body dissatisfaction, and eating disorders in this blog

📣Spread the Word

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