I just got off the phone with my team.

Right now, it’s looking like we’re going to come up just short of our goal of raising $50,000 by midnight tonight.

That’s why I’m asking one last time. Can I count on you to make sure my team reaches this goal by chipping in $10 right now?

With our first FEC deadline of 2023 just around the corner in March, we can’t afford to miss out on goals like this. We have to be able to show that we have the early resources needed to build a strong grassroots movement.

Together we’ve won a decade-long fight to protect Bristol Bay, secured a new logging ban in the Tongass National Forest, and held Southwest executives accountable for their disastrous holiday failure.

But if we fall short of tonight’s $50,000 goal, it’s going to make it exponentially harder for my team to get the word out about all of those wins.

This is the most important moment yet to become a part of this team. I’m asking you to make your first donation before midnight tonight to make sure we can power this campaign to victory. Can I count on you to chip in $10 now?

Thank you,

Maria Cantwell




Paid for by Friends of Maria

Friends of Maria
PO Box 12740
Seattle, WA 98111
United States