From Dems United: Senate ALERT <[email protected]>
Subject 5 seats we CANNOT afford to lose!!
Date March 1, 2023 1:30 AM
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Jack, it's becoming clearer and clearer that holding the Senate Majority we worked so hard to expand in the midterm is going to take an unprecedented investment in persuasion, identification, and voter turnout.
The GOP is already investing heavily in states like Nevada, Montana, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Ohio — because they know this is their best chance to FLIP Democratic seats from Blue to RED , and make permanent gains in the Senate!
BUT . We've got an ace in the hole!
Our five Democrats running in must-win battlegrounds — every single one of them is a proven winner .
We CAN re-elect these 5 Democrats, but only if we double, triple, and quadruple down on protecting them FROM DAY ONE. Can you invest $35 today to make sure Democrats like Jacky, Jon, Tammy, Bob and Sherrod have the resources they need to WIN?? [[link removed]]
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You know it as well as we do, Jack. Jacky Rosen, Jon Tester, Tammy Baldwin, Bob Casey and Sherrod Brown — these 5 Democrats are the key to devastating Republicans and holding our Senate majority!
If we can get these five the resources they need to fend off the avalanche of Republican attack-ads, and WIN , we'll be saying " Sayonara " to Mitch McConnell and the GOP's chances of snatching back the Senate in the next election!!
This is our chance to seize the early momentum!! Can you invest $35 today in keeping Democrats in position to WIN?? Our Senate Majority is ON THE LINE!!! [[link removed]]
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Thanks so much.
-Democrats United
About Democrats United:
We are dedicated to electing Democratic at every level of Government, fighting to help Democrats win races, and stopping the GOP’s anti-democracy agenda. Through our grassroots supporters, we rush the urgently-needed funds to the front lines to help Democrats stand together and fight for our future.
We rely solely on Democrats like you pitching in $5, $10, or $20 at a time. Please, rush a donation today to help Democrats win! [[link removed]]
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