FINAL CHANCE: Your $1 = $2 to STOP toxic policing → This is it, friend: our match for public safety transformation ends at midnight, and we have $8,197 left to raise in this short time. Your gift in the next before midnight goes twice as far to demand common-sense policing reform that can save lives and stop the next senseless police killing of a civilian. Please, don’t wait. Seize this match before it expires at midnight tonight → $50 → $100 (give now →)
People For’s experts, organizers, advocates, and lobbyists are now at work across the country, organizing the public and engaging municipal leaders to implement effective police reforms found in our groundbreaking report, All Safe: Transforming Public Safety. But we need this match to reach more localities, lobby more local leaders, and stop the next tragedy before it occurs. And, that’s why I’m writing to you now, with mere hours left (and $8,197 left to raise) in our transforming public safety match. Thank you for considering this urgent opportunity. — Zach Zach VanHouten