Can we do a little math?

In the House, there are 222 Republicans and 212 Democrats. The Republicans have only a five-seat margin.

In the previous Congress, the Democrats had just a four-seat majority!

The bottom line: Control of Congress in the next election will be on a razor's edge.

That is why I am counting on you to chip in right now to help us win the House back.

I know it is early.

The next election seems a long way off.

But if there is one thing we learned when we took back the House in 2018 and won the White House and Senate in 2020, it is this: We cannot waste a single moment. We have to organize every day and work together every day to make tomorrow better for each and every one of us.

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When we take back the House, we can once again make extraordinary progress on all the things that matter to us – expanding health care access, making child care affordable, protecting Social Security and Medicare, keeping our communities safe, creating family-wage jobs, clean energy infrastructure, defending voting rights, tackling climate change, and so much more.


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