Dem candidates Warren and Klobuchar sent letters
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Here's the List of 120+ Members of Congress Supporting CAIR ([link removed]) Dem candidates Warren and Klobuchar sent letters Read ([link removed])
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Palestinian Authority Calls for Terror at Holocaust Memorial Event ([link removed]) Over 40 world leaders are attending the event Read and Share ([link removed])
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FBI: Saudi Gov't Helps Citizens 'Disappear' to Escape US Justice ([link removed]) Saudi nationals accused of serious crimes spirited away Read ([link removed])
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News and Opinion
Dalia Al-Aqidi Challenges Ilhan Omar for House Seat ([link removed]) American Muslim vs. Islamist Muslim Watch and Share ([link removed])
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Readers Write
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“That bunch is an embarrassment to America.”
- R.D.
Michigan Islamic Leaders Mourn Soleimani ([link removed])
“Give those poor mourners a one way ticket to Iran.”
- T.M.
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