
February 2023

Fortune 100 Donates Big To MAGA’s Leadership

Accountable.US is spotlighting bad actors that are helping to undermine our democracy amid a full-scale assault on our fundamental rights. This newsletter series is part of Accountable.US’ American Democracy Scorecard project that graded all Fortune 100 companies on their behavior involving critical democracy issues – and found two-thirds are failing to do their part.

While the recent rise of the MAGA Majority has turned the House of Representatives on its head, its most extreme members have been undermining our democracy since the earliest days of the “Big Lie.” From Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s call to her supporters to “flood the Capitol building” to the blatant election denialism of Reps. Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan, the MAGA wing’s record of seditious behavior is impossible to sweep under the rug.

Yet, according to Accountable.US’ Corporate Anti-Democracy Donations Database, many of America’s top companies continued to turn a blind eye to their anti-democratic antics as they cashed in on the GOP’s most extreme faction. As the donation filings of Fortune 100 companies from the 2022 election cycle revealed, their PACs contributed $429,500 to the campaigns of the House’s new MAGA leaders.

Now, with the MAGA wing already exerting outsized influence over Speaker McCarthy and the rest of the House majority, Americans are facing the consequences of corporations’ support for their extreme agenda – and there is no shortage of examples.

Instead of delivering results for working families, MAGA leaders have been spinning the same conspiratorial rhetoric that fueled the “Big Lie” into partisan political stunts. Reps. James Comer and Jim Jordan are using their positions on the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees to float fringe theories about federal law enforcement and election integrity, as their fellow MAGA member, Rep. Gaetz, spends his time parroting the conspiracies on Newsmax. Meanwhile, Rep. Greene used her newfound platform to float a “national divorce” of red and blue states – a frightening threat to the future of our democracy.

Thankfully, many Americans recognize the extremist voices of the new House majority are not aligned with voters’ best interests. According to a recent Navigator survey, a growing share of voters are opposed to the details of the MAGA House's agenda.

When they thought no one was paying attention, many corporations and their executives prioritized buying political influence over defeating extremism. Now that the MAGA Majority is wreaking havoc in the people’s House, will the Fortune 100 finally stand up for their customers' and shareholders’ values? Or will they continue to embolden the worst conspiracies and stunts MAGA Republicans have to offer?

By The Numbers

During the 2022 election cycle, Fortune 100 companies contributed $429,500 to the MAGA House leaders group.

Key Fortune 100 staff contributed at least $52,571 to House MAGA leaders during the 2022 election cycle.

Corporate Spotlight: Home Depot

As the House descends into chaos under the control of MAGA extremists, one company has played an outsized role in building the new majority. During the 2022 election cycle, Home Depot continued to be the top donor to MAGA House leaders, with $40,000 in donations from its corporate PAC.

Their spot among the Fortune 100’s biggest donors to the MAGA majority’s most extreme leaders is far from a surprise, as the home improvement giant has been laying the financial foundation of their takeover for years. Home Depot earned a failing score on Accountable.US’ American Democracy Scorecard after contributing at least $987,500 to members of Congress who opposed voting rights legislation and at least $417,500 to members of Congress who voted against certifying the 2020 presidential election.

Meanwhile, Home Depot’s actions to undermine voting rights in its home state of Georgia also failed to align with their purported pro-democracy values. After Black faith leaders pushed for a boycott against Home Depot for its silence on a restrictive state voting bill, the corporation said it would “continue to underscore our statement that all elections should be accessible, fair and secure.” Yet, Home Depot’s donation records show they gave more than $85,000 to state officials who supported anti-voter legislation – proving that their pledge was only to save face.

Consumers and shareholders want to see the companies they support work to uphold their fundamental rights – not subsidize the extremism that threatens them. Home Depot has a clear choice: they continue to scrap their customers’ values for political influence or use their tools to help rebuild trust in our democracy.

In The News

Roll Call | PAC money to electoral count objectors fell 10 percent

Salon | "Quick buck": New report shows how MAGA election grifters "cashed in the first chance they got."

HuffPost | Corporations Gave Election Deniers A Last-Minute Surge Of Campaign Cash

The Hill | Corporate America donated $36M to election objectors in 2022 election: analysis by Karl Evers-Hillstrom

Common Dreams | Big Business Gave Over $36 Million to GOP 'Sedition Caucus' in 2022 Election Cycle: Report by Brett Wilkins

Take Action

The American Democracy Scorecard website provides a wealth of information about what America’s companies are doing to uphold or undermine democracy, as well as tools for sharing this information and making your voice heard.

Tell Home Depot CEO Ted Decker and other corporate leaders what you think about their commitment to democracy.


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