We’re starting something new with Meck YRs.

Hello friends.

We could not be more excited to leading the next chapter in the Mecklenburg Young Republicans club.

If you’re like us, you know that politics can be exhausting. It’s a lot of yelling, with typically very little results.

We plan to create a club that fights for just the opposite.

A club that gives young people a legitimate voice on policy, not just a head-pat.

A club that supports legitimate debate on important topics.

A club that isn’t afraid to fight on the behalf of conservatives and moderates - “normies” - who so often don’t have a voice.

We hope you’ll join us this year as we expand the Meck YR footprint like it’s never has before.

Check out our first meeting information below and the beginnings of our new website.

- Your board
Charlie, Kyle, Rachel

SAVE THE DATE- Our kickoff event is 3/9


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