Donald Trump proposes sweeping
tariffs and other measures to counter Communist China
This is the economic policy blade to drive a stake through the
vampire heart of corporatism, globalism and the exploitation of the
U.S. economy by multinational corporate interests. This “universal
baseline tariff” approach, is the policy that slays the dragons of the
World Economic Forum, destroys the Beijing dragon and simultaneously
ends the EU Marshal Plan advantage. This is a big

With a split
Congress, Democrats are taking their election takeover scheme to the
After failing to orchestrate a federal takeover of state
election administration two years ago, Democrats are back with their
newest strategy to seize control of America’s electoral
New on First
Right: Why author and former Levi’s
executive Jennifer Sey gave up her job in the name of free

championship gymnast, author, and business executive Jennifer Sey
spent decades growing her career at Levi Strauss, but her opposition
to school closing mandates and CDC directives led to her resignation
and refusal of a million-dollar severance package.
Watch now and learn more about how the woke mob
took her job but gave her a voice.

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sanctity of life. That's our goal at Restoration of
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