Open for latest news and events from the Green Party!



Here's your February update from the Green Party! Scroll down to find out more🔽


On the first Anniversary of Russia’s war on Ukraine, co-leader Adrian Ramsay welcomed the UN General Assembly vote calling for Russia’s unconditional withdrawal, and a just and lasting peace based on the sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of Ukraine: “A just peace must include holding to account those responsible for the many atrocities, such as in Bucha, the sexual violence and indiscriminate attacks against civilians. These are war crimes that must be prosecuted.”

The Government must get behind the Clean Air Bill or more lives will be put at risk. That was the message from Caroline Lucas and Jenny Jones as they handed in a cross-party letter to Number 10 Downing Street calling on Rishi Sunak to meet them to discuss Ella’s law - and Rosamund Adoo-Kissi-Debrah, mother of Ella, who was the first person in the UK to have air pollution listed as cause of death. The bill which received cross-party support in the House of Lords, would make the right to clean air a human right.

The Green Party is calling for the introduction of a £1 single fare on all routes across the country. The ‘One pound fare will get you there’ policy, alongside the extension of free bus travel to everyone under 21, and new investment in bus services will be paid for by scrapping the £27 billion road building programme. Green Party councillor Ellie Chowns, Cabinet Member for Environment and Economy on Herefordshire council, which successfully trialled free weekend buses using Covid recovery funds, said: “Across Europe low cost and free buses are a reality in many places too. Low cost or free public transport is all about political choices."

A huge by-election win means Greens are now the largest party on Bristol city council. Patrick McAllister’s victory in the Hotwells and Harbourside constituency earlier this month mean the party now hold 25 seats – one more than Labour. Co-leader Carla Denyer who is the parliamentary candidates for Bristol West said "It's fantastic …the people of Bristol, want to see more Green politics in the city and are ready to trust us with power."  The win received national media as it boosts the chances of Greens taking control of the council and a parliamentary seat.

Zoe Garbett has been selected as Green Party candidate for Mayor of London. Zoe, who is a councillor in Hackney said: “Londoners need a campaigning mayor - who will stand up for them, fight back against austerity and fight for more rights. This includes more devolved powers to London but more importantly - more power for residents over decisions made about their lives, homes and communities."

The countdown to our biggest local election campaign ever is underway with party leaders making the case for voting Green wherever you live. “We know we can get Greens elected in every council up and down the land in these elections,” Natalie Bennett told Times Radio saying “We’re taking the next step now getting Greens running things.”


Green leaders spanning five decades attended the opening of the Green party’s archive at the London School of Economics last week. The event, which marked the 50th anniversary of the first public meeting in February 1973 of PEOPLE (subsequently renamed the Ecology Party and then the Green Party) was attended by founders Caroline Whittaker, Michael Benfield, and Freda Sanders as well as Caroline Lucas MP, deputy leader Zack Polanski, peer Natalie Bennett, and former MEP Jean Lambert. The LSE library is currently hosting a free exhibition featuring some of the archive content which is open to the public. Politics and the Planet: “Clothing this Naked Earth” is due to run until the end of the summer.

Go to our anniversary website to learn more about our past, share your stories and donate to our 50 for 50 campaign.


▶️ 50th anniversary event: 'Is there an alternative to "growth, growth, growth"?' 8 March, 6.00-7.30pm


Join us to discuss if there is an alternative to ‘growth, growth, growth’. As Labour and the Tories vie to talk up the need for economic growth in the wake of Covid and recession, this event looks at whether there is an alternative to the current economic orthodoxy. Hosted by the LSE, the impressive panellist line-up includes Molly Scott Cato, Caroline Lucas, Paul Ekins and Tim Jackson.

▶️'A fairer future: what will a more equal society look like?' 20 March, 6.00-7.30pm


Join us for our next instalment of Green Talks where Zack Polanski will be joined by Prof Richard Wilkinson of The Equality Trust and excellent Green Councillors Ekua Bayunu and Ria Patel, to discuss the causes and impacts of forms of inequality today, the steps we could take towards a fairer society, and present their visions of what a more equal society would look like.


We're hiring! Jobs available:


💚 Part-time, fixed-term Communications Officer (Herefordshire)


You will have demonstrable experience of creating engaging social media and other digital content, brand marketing, as well as print/broadcast experience. You will manage competing priorities calmly, and have excellent interpersonal, organisational and communications skills. Find the full job description here. Applications close at midday on Friday 3 March 2023.


💚 Part-time, fixed term Major Donor Senior Officer


You will be adept at finding and identifying people to speak to about our work and will support the way we communicate our story to these audiences. If you'd like to join our ambitious, hard-working development team, find the full job description here. Applications close at 10am on Monday 20 March 2023.


Help elect more Greens in the local elections! You will be hearing more from us soon about the upcoming local elections. With thousands of council seats up for election on May 4th, we need your help. With you, we can win big this May. Whether you are a seasoned activist, or new to it and looking to get involved, you will make the difference. Find out more and help us get more Greens elected here.


A message from Caroline Lucas: Many of you will know that Brian Haw was an enduring presence in Parliament Square for eleven years until he died in 2011. He had an uncompromising message about the horrifying and illegal war in Iraq and I know he was particularly inspired by the images of children suffering which I brought back from Iraq.


February marks 20 years since millions took to the streets in the UK’s biggest ever peace march to protest against the war. A new campaign has been launched- and is being promoted by actor and Green supporter Mark Rylance - to raise money to place a statue of Brian facing the big guns of the Imperial War Museum. He will stand there forever to remind people that we can – and must - learn to resolve conflict peacefully in the future.


Please do take the time to find out more about the campaign and how to support it here: Mark Rylance: We must remember Brian Haw, 'the most adhesive of protesters' - The Big Issue 


We know a greener and fairer country is possible, where everyone lives a safe life in a comfortable home with a stable job, using green and affordable renewables. Will you join our movement and help us stand up for people and planet today by becoming a Green Friend?


Our Green Friends are a key part of our movement, giving a monthly contribution to support our work on climate action and getting exclusive access to events and discounts. But they are not party members and can continue to be politically unaffiliated or remain as members of other parties. Whatever you are, be Green too 💚


A message from Ecotricity: Congratulations to the Green Party who this year celebrate their 50th anniversary. Since 2007, Ecotricity and the Green Party have worked together to help build a Greener Britain. To celebrate this momentous milestone, let’s take a look back at some of our highlights from the last 15 years. Find out more here!

-- The Green Party