March 1
Operation Storm Heaven Holy Mass – Submit
Your Intentions

Dear Friend,
Have you submitted your intentions
to be included in Cardinal Burke’s Operation Storm Heaven Holy Mass on
March 1?
March is the month dedicated to St.
Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church. When we pray the Holy Rosary,
we meditate upon St. Joseph twice in the Joyful Mysteries: The Blessed
Mother and St. Joseph presenting the Child Jesus in the Temple, in the
Fourth Joyful Mystery, as well as the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph
finding the Child Jesus in the Temple, in the Fifth Joyful
Cardinal Burke spoke about the
purity of St. Joseph in a recent homily:
“God the Father wanted His Son to
have a proper family, and thus He gave Saint Joseph the grace of a
virginal marriage with Mary, in order that he could be the Virginal
Father, the Guardian, of Christ. The Blessed Virgin Mary is indeed the
spouse of Saint Joseph and, therefore, the Divine Child conceived in
her womb by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit is a member of the
family of Joseph and Mary and enjoys the virginal fatherhood of Saint
Let us remember to pray for the
following intentions in March:
~For the purification and
sanctification for all priests, especially those who are struggling
with sexual temptations and chastity.
~That fathers will strive to
imitate the virtues of St. Joseph, especially the virtue of
~For all couples who are dating,
may St. Joseph help them to grow in chastity before the Sacrament of
If you have new or updated
intentions for the Holy Mass, please click on the link
I would like to take this
opportunity to thank you for being part of Cardinal Burke's Rosary
Crusade Operation Storm
Finally, if you know others who have intentions and would like
to submit them, and to help others join Operation Storm Heaven, please
forward this email to your family and friends and ask them
to click here.
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And
P.S. If you would
like to order a copy of Deny Holy Communion?, written by Raymond Cardinal Burke, click
P.P.S. Sponsor a
copy of Deny Holy
Communion? to a seminarian. The most important and sacred function of their life as a future
priest will be the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Please help us to send
this book to seminarians in the US, Puerto Rico and Rome click
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