There are a few things I can guarantee about the upcoming presidential election, Friend:
- Candidates will spend almost all of their time competing in just a handful of swing states...
- Their campaigns will practically ignore voters everywhere else -- only coming to their state to raise funds from wealthy donors...
- And, we’ll once again risk the candidate who loses the popular vote nevertheless winning the presidency.
Why? The broken Electoral College.
So, Common Cause is working to build consensus right now in multiple key states to support National Popular Vote. You may already be familiar with this innovative proposal, but just in case you’re not...
The National Popular Vote Compact is an agreement among states to guarantee the presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
When could this take place? Just as soon as states totaling 270 electors -- a majority -- join in.
The Constitution lets states decide how to award their Electoral College votes -- so once we’ve hit that threshold, every state in the Compact will agree to award theirs to whoever wins the popular vote nationwide -- giving that candidate the 270 required to win the presidency.
AND... we are now closer than you might think! Because 15 states and the District of Columbia have already signed on. That gives us 196 electors! AND, just this week, we’re making real progress towards signing on Virginia and other important states.
Common Cause has prioritized winning the National Popular Vote Compact in as many states as possible this year -- and we’ve already helped bring Colorado, New Mexico, Delaware, and Oregon on board.
We have real momentum, which is why in the coming months Common Cause must ramp up our efforts even more. I hope we can count on your support. And, there is no time to lose -- because we are opposed by powerful forces who have deep pockets.
Friend, we CAN fix the broken Electoral College -- but it’ll take day-in, day-out grassroots organizing to make it a reality. So if you agree it’s time for National Popular Vote, I’m asking you to help us reach the 270 electoral votes we need by chipping in today >>
Or give another amount >>
As more and more Americans focus on the presidential election, we have a MAJOR opportunity to expand National Popular Vote toward more states -- inching closer and closer to the 270-vote mark we need for victory.
The antiquated “winner-take-all” Electoral College system must be changed so that voters in all 50 states have a say in choosing our president.
We can’t allow the presidential candidate who fails to receive the most votes to occupy the Oval Office -- which has happened in two out of the last five presidential elections!
It’s time to STOP the Electoral College from silencing the majority of voters -- and ensure that every American has a meaningful voice in our presidential elections, no matter where they live.
Thanks for all you do,
Jesse Littlewood, Vice President for Campaigns
and the team at Common Cause