PFAW Member, Earlier this week we launched a massive match challenge -- 400%-MATCHING all online donations to END the Trump presidency and ensure that the president who is sworn in on January 20 of next year is NOT Donald Trump. We had a tight timeline with an ambitious goal ... and we fell short. But after some discussion this morning with our digital accounting team we were able to extend the match, but only for one more day, until midnight tonight. It's incredibly rare that we're able to quadruple donations, but because of the unprecedented scale of our programs this year -- with budgets to match -- we had to dig deep into our donor matching fund so we can fund the programs that will save our democracy and ensure an end to this national nightmare... And make no mistake, we're fighting like hell to convict and remove Trump from office through the impeachment process. But with the Republican majority and Mitch McConnell calling the shots in the Senate, we're also being realistic about the likelihood that it will be up to US -- the American people -- to save our country at the ballot box from this corrupt, lawless president and his efforts to destroy our democracy. -- Team PFAW ----[previous message]---- Your donation of $7 or more by 1/22 will be 400% MATCHED! >> PFAW Member -- Today is a very important day on the calendar for a number of reasons – important to both our history and our future as a nation. As you know, today we celebrate the contributions and legacy of one of the greatest leaders this country has ever known: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Unfortunately, it’s also the third anniversary of one of the darkest days in our history: the day Donald Trump was inaugurated as our 45th president. AND, while this year it’s ALSO the eve of Trump’s Senate impeachment trial – which Senate Republicans are trying to make a total sham by fighting to block witnesses and evidence – today ALSO marks exactly one year until the next presidential inauguration! To observe the seriousness of these occasions – as well as other crucial anniversaries this week, like the anniversaries of the Supreme Court decisions in Roe v. Wade and Citizens United v. FEC – we’re digging deep into our donor matching fund to launch a unique 400%-MATCH campaign for all online donations up to $60,000 … but only for just over 48 hours, until midnight Wednesday. All donations to this campaign will be 4X-MATCHED to ensure that the president we swear in to office one year from today is NOT Donald Trump. A match of this magnitude exhausts our donor matching funds rapidly, but supercharging our members’ financial support at this crucial moment is necessary to fund the PFAW programs that are going stop Trump’s relentless attacks on our democracy. With your help, we’ll help mobilize the largest army of progressive volunteers ever to turn out the voters key to Democratic success up and down the ballot… … we’ll increase the Latino vote in key states to be a game-changing electoral force for progress… …we’ll make the Trump-McConnell assault on our federal courts a key voting issue and lift up exciting, young, down-ballot candidates who look like the real America to keep progressive voting communities energized no matter who ends up being the eventual Democratic nominee or how ugly the smears and lies and disinformation get. But we’ll only do it TOGETHER. Thank you for everything you do. Onward, Ben Betz, Digital Advocacy Director