Dear John,
This is huge. We JUST delivered UPDATED NUMBER [LINK;] petitions to Capitol Hill to show our lawmakers just how important it is to prioritize care.
Our #CareCantWait online day of action starts NOW! Here’s what’s next.
Millions of people across the country depend on care yet Congress hasn’t followed through on their promises to invest in paid leave, child care, or home- and community- based services. We can change all that if we’re loud enough. Today, we’re calling on all our supporters like you to message, call, and tweet at their legislators with one unified voice to demand better care policies for us all.
Message your elected → [[link removed]]
As a former care worker and a caregiver to my brother who has autism and my grandmother who has Parkinsons, I know how difficult it can be to be torn between work and family responsibilities. But it doesn’t have to be this way. We’re done waiting and we won’t stop until we get the investments in care we deserve.
Here’s what we want:
* Paid leave for all
* Affordable child care
* Accessible in-home and community aging and disability care
* Fair pay for care workers.
If enough people like you take action, we can make sure Congress makes these policies a priority.
Message your elected → [[link removed]]
Thank you for joining our fight for a better care system.
With care,
Nicole Jorwic, Chief of Campaigns & Advocacy
Caring Across Generations
A gift to Caring Across Generations changes the landscape of care in the US. Your contribution will help uplift care stories in the mainstream media and push for more investments in child care, paid leave, and home and community-based services. Because #CareCantWait.
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