We have two choices today

Ilhan for Congress

Friends — we're emailing today with some good news, and some bad news. Here it goes.

GOOD NEWS: As it stands, we've received nearly 2.5x as many grassroots contributions in February as we had at this point in January. That's incredible — and it's all thanks to grassroots supporters like you stepping up when it mattered most to our campaign.

BAD NEWS: We're facing an end-of-month fundraising deadline tonight at midnight, and although we've received more individual donations than in January, our average contribution has plummeted. It's almost $5 less per donation than we had planned for. That's not great.

It may not seem like a big difference, but when lots and lots of people are chipping in, it adds up quickly.

The way we see it, we have two choices: We generate a LOT more donations from a lot more people between now and midnight, or we ask people to chip in (even slightly!) higher amounts than we usually would.

Normally when we ask someone to contribute online for the first time, we ask for $5. But if you could step up and add a $10 contribution today, it'd mean so much for Ilhan and our campaign. What do you say?

Can you add your $10 contribution to stand with Ilhan before tonight's end-of-month fundraising deadline? The goals we've set are so important to hit, especially this early in the campaign cycle.


Thanks for chipping in today if you can. We know it's a big ask, but we hope you take that as a sign of how important grassroots contributions from people like you are to the success of our movement.

- Team Ilhan