Congress of Counties:
Pick Your Breakout Sessions
(& We've Got Some Good Ones)

It's nearly here: Congress of Counties, our two-day campaign training and networking conference, is next weekend in downtown Indianapolis!

We've got a TON of breakout sessions you can participate in at Congress of Counties, and they'll cover info you'll need to know in 2020 and beyond. Here's just a few of the topics:
  • Preparing for Election Day
    What's legally required to run an election? We'll get into the details of election boards, poll workers, and how to watch for voter fraud. If you're involved with election administration, this is an in-depth session that you don't want to miss.

  • Campaign Fundraising
    Does your campaign plan to spend money? Then you better know how to raise it! Learn about strategies and tactics when it comes to campaign fundraising.

  • Diversity: The Art of Thinking Independently Together
    We all have attributes and backgrounds we bring to the table that make us different -- and bring us together. Learn how diversity strengths our party and our government!

  • Understanding Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & More
    Confused about where to start with social media? Don't know how to best share your message with voters online? We've got the training you'll need!

  • Data Center: The Basics & How to Create Walkbooks & 50%+
    You've heard about GOP Data Center...but where do you start when it comes to building the audience of voters you'll need to win? We can explain and show you how. 

  • Campaign Finance
    You've scheduled your first campaign fundraiser...but what donations are you allowed to accept? How do you track donations? And how does reporting work? We've got the important answers that will keep your campaign legal!

  • Building Blocks of a Successful Campaign
    You've filed for office...but now what? We'll explain how to build your campaign, set your goals and work toward victory.

  • 2020 Statewide Election Outlook
    What are the big issues we're anticipating you'll see discussed in 2020? We've got a preview for you.
These are just a few of the breakout sessions topics...check them all out here

Haven't registered yet? Register now before it's too late (tickets are going quickly).

See you soon,
-Your Indiana Republican Party

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Indiana Republican State Committee, Inc. · 101 W. Ohio St., Suite 2200 · Indianapolis, IN 46204 · USA