John –

Getting elected is all about having the strongest organization possible. When the campaign gets tough, you need folks who have your back.

It’s even better when they’re organized. The Governor has the DGA, the Attorney General the DAGA, folks running for Congress have the DCCC, even state legislatures have the House and Senate DFL caucuses.

But running for State Auditor is a little bit lonelier of a campaign trail. There’s no national organization to help elect state auditors.

That’s why your help matters so much to me. Everyone else has a large national (or statewide) organization to turn to for help. I have you.

And I’m counting on you now.

We’re working day in and day out to build the strongest organization possible to make sure that Democrats win in 2024, and are even stronger in ’26.

Can we count on you to have our backs now? Please chip in today!

When you’re running on your own, every single month and every single goal matters. Please, help us finish February strong.

Thank you!





Minnesotans for Julie Blaha
P.O. Box 17083
Saint Paul, MN 55117
United States