Team Ben Ray Luján is sharing our official strategy memo with you.

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Ben Ray Luján Official Strategy Memo
Our team wanted to start this historic election year by sharing our strategy to win New Mexico’s Senate race and FLIP McConnell’s Senate. 
We know this is a long email. But we’re counting on you to read the entire thing -- then rush a gift to help Ben Ray defeat McConnell’s Senate.
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Here’s where things stand with our fight for the Senate: 
1. POLLING: Keeping New Mexico’s Senate seat blue is critical to our efforts to WIN the Senate majority and send Mitch McConnell packing.
The good news first: Recent polling shows Ben Ray ahead of a Republican opponent. This is exactly the kind of early momentum a winning campaign needs.
The not-so-good news: Many of the key voters in our race remain undecided. Our campaign is executing an aggressive strategy to speak directly to as many voters as possible over the coming months. We’re confident that when voters hear Ben Ray’s vision for our communities, they’ll join our team. 
2. MONEY: Mitch McConnell’s Republicans have a massive -- MASSIVE -- war chest ready to buy him another Republican Senate. They’re going to rely on dark money and special interests to fund their campaigns. 
Ben Ray is relying on you. We’re not taking a dime of corporate PAC money during this race. This means we need a grassroots army to power Ben Ray to victory. So far, we’ve been humbled by the number of hard-working voters who are joining this team.
Here are some important stats:
Average online donation size: $20.29
Small-dollar: 98.25% of the contributions were $100 or less
3. THE ISSUES: Ben Ray is running because he wants to fix the kitchen-table issues that keep American families up at night. He has a plan to address our broken health care system, protect our planet, support New Mexico’s children and families, and make opportunities available for all.
And his opponents? Here’s what matters to them:
  • Anti-choice extremism
  • Keeping weapons of war on the streets 
  • Huge tax breaks for the 1% and big corporations
And here’s the final thing you should know. Ben Ray has earned endorsements from dozens of state and national leaders, including End Citizens United, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, Planned Parenthood Action Fund, NARAL Pro-Choice American, and the Sierra Club.
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We can't thank you enough,
Team Ben Ray  




People for Ben
PO Box 25371
Albuquerque, NM 87125


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