Dear Patriot,
C4L Chairman Ron Paul requested I set a Friday afternoon deadline to report how many patriots have signed
his letter to Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC). The
letter simply requests Senator Graham schedule hearings in the Senate Judiciary Committee to investigate FBI spying on Campaign for Liberty, and Dr.
Paul wants to deliver it -- with your signature included -- early next week. Patriot, we need
every Campaign for Liberty supporter backing Ron Paul up on this when we hand Senator Graham the message.
The Deep State’s snooping and intimidation tactics are unacceptable. Between the
impeachment circus and the Deep State’s latest spying abuses (like putting C4L on an apparent political enemies list to target for
intimidation), it’s vital liberty lovers strike at the heart of the Deep State’s power.
And that starts with DEMANDING Congress fully investigate the government snoops and the brazen spying abuse they commit to advance their own
RAW political power. So won’t you please sign your name alongside Dr.
Paul’s right away and tell Senator Graham the Deep State’s surveillance abuses are unacceptable?
Patriot, the good news is, Deep State apologists in BOTH parties, from Senator Graham to Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA),
are growing squeamish about PERMANENT reauthorization of the so-called “USA Freedom Act” -- the surveillance state’s crown jewel. And with the looming battle over reauthorization of the so-called “USA Freedom Act” this
spring, if Campaign for Liberty supporters can FORCE Congress to investigate the FBI’s surveillance of C4L, it will expose the Deep
State’s true colors for all of America to see -- right as the reauthorization battle comes to a head.
But we’re running out of time to raise the resources we need to fight back. So
in addition to co-signing Dr. Paul’s letter to Senator Graham, I hope you’ll also consider pitching in with a generous
financial contribution of $50, $25, or even $10 to help rally as many patriots as possible demanding a halt to government
snooping. Please don’t delay. In
Liberty, Norm Singleton President
P.S. Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul wrote Senator Lindsey Graham a letter calling for hearings on
the Deep State’s snooping and intimidation tactics (like the FBI putting C4L on its political enemies list).
Dr. Paul wants to deliver his letter early next week and he’s requested I
set a Friday afternoon deadline to report how many patriots have co-signed the letter. So please sign your name alongside Dr. Paul’s
right away. And once you’ve signed, please consider
pitching in with a generous financial contribution of $50, $25, or even $10 to help rally as many patriots as possible demanding a
halt to government snooping.