The show of strength we need to demand that pro-criminal Democrats in the State Senate act on a bill restoring public safety.
Shift Washington

Last week, we asked you to help us put a spotlight on HB 1363, the bill that gives police the authority to once again pursue someone they reasonably suspect of a violent crime, a sexual crime, vehicular assault, escape, DUI, and/or domestic violence.

Of course, this bill was only necessary because of Democrats’ 2021 failed policy banning police from pursuing suspects fleeing the scene of a crime. Communities across our state have seen crime skyrocket because of this pro-criminal policy that, effectively, handcuffed the police.

Well, in just a couple of days, we had thousands of people sign our petition. It’s the show of support we need to keep highlighting those pro-criminal Democrats in the State Senate who will not act on this needed reform.

Our law enforcement officers cannot protect our communities effectively until we fix the Democrats’ failed, pro-criminal policies. Unfortunately, as we have reported, the Democrat Senate Chair of the Law and Justice Committee has signaled that she will NOT move the bill forward in the past. She won’t even allow it to be heard in public.

We’re working to change that – and we’re thankful that you stand with us. Our efforts depend entirely on grassroot supporters like you. Will you help us continue fighting for HB 1363’s passage by contributing $50, $25, or even just $10 today?

We need your help to continue holding Democrats accountable. Please consider contributing today.

Thank you,

The Shift WA Team