Minnesota Senator Calvin Bahr banner image

February, 27th

District 31,

Friends and Neighbors – 


During the early hours of Wednesday, Feb. 22, the Democrats’ Driver’s Licenses for All bill passed out of the Senate on a party-line vote. This legislation provides non-citizens with the right to a Minnesota driver’s license with no protections for our elections or national security.


Under this bill, people here illegally will receive a state-issued Class D identification identical to every other Minnesota resident’s license. This is problematic to state and national security, as bad actors can use this license in a variety of official capacities, such as applying for state benefits and accessing military bases and federal buildings across the country.  

The Driver’s License for All is an all-access pass for those who are here illegally. Violent crimes are still on the rise in Minnesota, and we as lawmakers should do all we can to ensure public safety.

The Democrat majority, however, made their public safety priority clear: allowing non-citizens the right to a driver’s license with no safeguards in place. This legislation will only facilitate further lawlessness by bad actors and allow fraud and abuse to run rampant in our state. One of my major concerns with this policy is its effect on employment. By facilitating a State-issued ID, unscrupulous employers may further exploit labor; creating a subclass of employees.


Additionally, the Driver’s Licenses for All bill will significantly compromise elections when coupled with another Democrat bill moving through the legislature. This second Bill will register every applicants driver's license to vote. Therefore, when both proposals are combined, the state’s elections will be in severe jeopardy. And the security of elections will be further compromised, as the Democrats’ driver’s license bill does not allow the required data to be shared with other agencies, like the Secretary of State.


During the extensive floor debate, Senate Republicans proposed key amendments to address the lack of safeguards. The Senate majority, however, accepted none of the Republican proposals, including:

1. Denoting the license is for driving privileges only and cannot be used for voting
2. Addressing a national security loophole where, until REAL ID standards are enforced in 2025, non-citizens can use their Minnesota license to gain access to federal buildings and flights 
3. Requiring data sharing for the purposes of helping victims of crime


The Democrats want to blur the lines as much as possible. Another Election integrity issue: restoring felon voting rights. We now have a very bright line for that - in jail, can't vote - out of jail (on parole) voting is valid irrespective of Parole Status.


Catch My Segment On Between the Lines!

Check out my interview on "Between the Lines" where I had the opportunity to answer a diverse range of fun and engaging questions. Sharing my preferences for beloved TV shows and movies was a delightful break from the typically serious nature of my profession. While I also touched upon weightier topics like my legislative priorities and my vision for the future of our state, the interview was a welcome reminder that politicians are multifaceted individuals with distinct personalities and idiosyncrasies.

Choose Freedom,

Senator Calvin Bahr

Senate District 31


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Election Integrity
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