Waiting is never fun, but if the outcome is as good as we’ve hoped, it will have been worth it. As early as this week, federal Judge Roger Benitez could once again rule to overturn California's longstanding ban on assault weapons, as well as the large capacity magazine ban and ammo registration. GOC is on tenterhooks awaiting the decision, and rest assured, we will have a lot to say once it’s made public. Without question, we fully expect the Attorney General to appeal it, but given the landmark Bruen decision by SCOTUS, we see victory on the road ahead. Read more below. Checkout the article by Townhall on facts related to guns in America – “information about gun-related deaths in the United States is rarely presented dispassionately -- or even accurately. If it were, our national conversations about gun violence would have a very different focus.” It’s chock-full of facts that we all need to know in order to be ARMED & INFORMED. And here’s a wonderful “warning” – last year’s Crab Feed in Sacramento sold out and we are on track to do so this year, too – so even though it’s months away, get your tickets now! And teams are filling up for the Great Gun Giveaway Sporting Clay Shoot in April as well. Whatever the event, GOC is looking forward to seeing everyone! Decision On CA "Assault Weapons" Ban Could Come This Week | Bearing Arms We could be doing a victory lap soon… CA Assault Weapons Ban Could Soon Be Overturned | ABC7 San Francisco Good news may be just around the corner…stay tuned. CA Dem: No State Business for Banks That Work with Gun Industry | Breitbart Aren’t there bigger issues for California than this? NY and CA: What Anti-Gun States Should/Shouldn’t Do for Youth Hunting | The Truth About Guns Anti-gunners are so desperate, they now go after youth hunters. Colonel Trashes 2A With False Testimony on CA’s 'Assault Weapons' Case | The Truth About Guns More on Colonel Craig Tucker not honoring his oath to the Constitution. CA Gun Control Isn’t the Cure for What Ails Us | Heritage Foundation And it certainly isn’t the cure for California. DOD Suicide Report Long on ‘Gun Control’ But Short on Who’s at Risk | Ammoland Once again, the government is fulfilling their narrative. Discover Becomes First “Gun-Store Tracking Credit Card” | NSSF Going along with the new Merchant Category Code (MCC) for firearm retailers. The Pentagon’s Taking Aim at Service Members’ Gun Rights | Armed American News Again – the government fulfilling anti-gun goals. Mexico Smears U.S. Firearm Manufacturers At U.N. Forum | NSSF Mexico says this while the drug cartel practically runs their country! Facts on Gun-related Death in America | Townhall Great piece showing the true facts/data of gun violence. President Trump Promises Concealed Carry Reciprocity If Reelected | AmmoLand Concealed carry reciprocity would be great to see… |