Biggs for

The blatant hypocrisy of the radical Democrats is on full display in the Senate for the entire country to watch.

After months of denying GOP witnesses and holding secret show trial hearings, the Democrats' abuse of the impeachment process is finally being seen for what it is – a complete and total sham.

But if you think they're done, they've only just started. The Democrats and their billionaire leftist donors are spending millions of dollars against me and every Republican in Arizona because of our vocal defense of President Trump.

John, the Democrats' sham impeachment is just the start. If we're going to win this fight, I need the immediate help from grassroots Conservatives like you.

The Democrats' kangaroo court proceedings show they'll go to every corrupt length to erase your vote and nullify President Trump's America First agenda.

We have less than one month until the 2020 Arizona Democratic Presidential Primary, we need to be ready to fight the flood of deceptive ads that could overwhelm Arizona voters. Will you join our fight to keep Arizona red by contributing $15, $20, $25, $100 or even more?

Our majority in the House and Senate and the Presidency are at stake in this election. If we don't show up, we could lose everything. The time to step up and stop the leftist take over of our government is NOW.

Thank you,

Andy Biggs,
Member of Congress

Paid for by Biggs for Congress

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