John, it’s Rachael here with an update on our fight for Green New Deal.
Last year, Lead Locally supported a slate of New York candidates who ran on a platform to pass this act when elected. Not only did they keep their promise to their constituents, but they also paved the way for other states to follow suit with their own renewable bills.

This bill paves the way for more renewable energy projects in the state and lowers the cost of power to families across the state.
This exciting moment comes on the heels of Minnesota passing one of the largest US climate bills.
These are the wins that bring us hope + renew our sense of urgency for this fight. This is why we are working hard to elect climate champions at the local level — while Congress stalls on progress to support the climate, we can work at the local level to hold our legislators accountable to the community that voted them in.
Lead Locally is working to identify, support, and hold accountable a new wave of climate champions, but we need your support to get there. Will you sign on to our movement to support climate champions at the local level?
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These are the local wins that make the biggest difference in our day-to-day lives. This is why we are not letting up on our fight to elect local climate champions to local government.
If there is one thing we know, it’s that organizing works. Running on a strong climate platform works. And our team is setting up the groundwork now to support even more climate champions in upcoming elections. With your support, we can work to elect even more climate leaders. Join our movement by adding your name to fight for a better climate future.
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Thank you for taking action,
Lead Locally