My name is Victor Rasugu. I'm the Executive Director of NAYA Kenya, an organization advocating for young people's reproductive health and rights.
Today, on the third anniversary of Donald Trump's Global Gag Rule, I was invited to share the story of this policy's grave consequences on the communities I serve.
This anti-health, anti-abortion, and anti-woman policy has caused a ripple effect in Kenya. Clinics have shut their doors. Health care workers have lost their jobs. And people—especially women and young people—are losing access to critical medical care.
Your voice makes a difference, which is why I'm asking you to make a phone call to your legislators today, and ask them to support the Global HER Act, which would permanently repeal this draconian policy.
Kenyans believe that health care is a human right. Our constitution says every person has the right to health care services, and that includes reproductive health care.
But Trump's policy prevents people from exercising their rights. As funding has disappeared, clinics have been forced to close. The most vulnerable populations—poor people, young people, the LGBTQ+ community, and people living in rural areas—are often the first to lose access to services.
Sadly, Kenya already has a high maternal death rate, and this policy only makes the problem worse.
A permanent repeal of the Global Gag Rule will mean the communities I serve can once again have access to critical and needed health care services.
It's the third anniversary of Trump's human rights disaster. Please, make a call and demand that your legislators support the Global HER Act right now. It's easy, and it just takes a few minutes.
Every day we lose women and girls whose deaths are completely preventable. We can't afford another anniversary of this dangerous policy.
I hope you'll fight with me by making a call today.
With hope,

Victor Rasugu
Executive Director, Country Lead
NAYA Kenya
Proud Supporter of Population Connection Action Fund