This is extremely urgent. Democrats’ Senate Majority is more vulnerable now than ever - and Republicans know it. That’s why they’re recruiting extremist candidates to destroy our RAZOR-THIN Majority. Not on our watch. We’re calling on our top supporters to help us bring in a HISTORIC fundraising haul – another $8,385 raised before our End of Month Deadline in just 24 hours – and fully fund a CRUSHING ad campaign against them. Can we count on you to rush in $15 and confirm your 2023 iVote Membership? >>

We’re sounding the alarm.

A BOMBSHELL report just revealed that countless Republicans are already gearing up to run in make-or-break Senate races.

— They’re FIRED UP in Montana.
— They’re FIRED UP in Indiana.
— They’re FIRED UP in West Virginia.
— They’re FIRED UP in Ohio.
— They’re even FIRED UP in Michigan!

One thing is clear: Republicans aren’t wasting even a single moment to try and FLIP back the Senate and DESTROY our hard-won Majority.

Here’s the plan: We’re going to EXPOSE these corrupt Republicans with ads to SINK their campaigns before they can hold even a single rally. But with just 24 hours left until our End of Month Deadline, we still need your support to help us get across the finish line. Can we count on you to chip in $15 to confirm your 2023 Membership, DEFEND our Senate Majority, and DEFEAT Republican Senate candidates? >>

NAME: [email protected]
ID: 109252878

We know it seems early.

But after spending ALL of our funds to shut down Republicans’ chances of flipping the Senate in the last election, we’re WAY behind on our fundraising goals.

That’s why we can’t afford to miss even a single deadline - and we’re counting on you to help us meet our goal.

This is the most pressing ask we’ve ever made of you. If Republicans gain an edge this early, we’ll NEVER be able to reclaim the momentum. That’s why we need an OVERWHELMING wave of support – another $8,385 raised before our End of Month Deadline – to expose these Republicans’ true intentions to voters before their campaigns can gain any traction. Will you rush in $15, or whatever you can spare, to help us stop Republicans in their tracks? With so many vulnerable Democrats up for re-election, every gift has an unprecedented impact. >>

Donate $5 now >>
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Donate another amount now >>


iVote HQ



iVote was created in 2014 with one goal: secure voting rights for all Americans.

Rather than take on challenges in the court after unfair laws have passed, iVote plays defense on voter suppression efforts AND goes on offense to secure and expand access to voting.

Going on offense is critical. We have the chance to elect Secretaries of State that will protect our elections for years to come. But Republicans are already suppressing and blocking certain citizens from exercising their fundamental right to vote.


We need a massive coalition to register new voters and protect our right to vote in this election and beyond.

We know you get a lot of emails, but it's only because this fight is so important. We need you to stick with us long term. But if you must go, you can unsubscribe.



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United States