
A message from our sponsor


Fellow Conservative –––


I’ll keep this short.Image


Last year, I sat with President Trump in the Oval Office before my last press conference as U.N. Ambassador.


There were two things on my heart that day, two things I wanted to say to him and to the American people…


  1. Thank you. It was the honor of a lifetime representing my state as governor and our country as U.N. Ambassador.
  2. I'm not done. I pledged to continue fighting for common sense conservative solutions.

Today, I am writing you this personal note to ask for your help.


Please consider giving a $15 donation to Stand For America, so I can let the White House, Congress, and the media know just how many conservatives are invested in this fight.


By contributing today, you join thousands of committed conservatives who have joined Stand For America to ensure our freedom and liberty are protected.


I promised President Trump that I’m not done fighting. That is why I launched STAND FOR AMERICA.


And if you've been following the insanity in Washington, then you know why it's so important that we keep fighting.


Will you join me?


Show your fellow conservatives you are invested in the future by making a one-time contribution of $15 right now.


Your commitment will ensure Stand For America has the resources we need to keep fighting for real solutions. Because of your generous support, STAND FOR AMERICA will fight for good policies, combat dangerous liberal ideology and promote conservative ideas in Washington.


I need you. President Trump needs you. But most of all, our country needs you.


My very best,


Nikki R. Haley


Founded by Ambassador Nikki Haley, Stand for America is an advocacy group promoting public policies that strengthen America’s economy, culture, and national security.

© Stand For America | www.standforamericanow.com
64 Beaver Street Suite 503, New York, NY 10004


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