From Finance Team (via Stevens HQ) <[email protected]>
Subject 🆘 please (asking for $23)
Date February 27, 2023 5:01 PM
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👋 [[link removed]] Hi folks, it’s the Finance Team over here at Stevens HQ.

🔢 [[link removed]] We prefer numbers (and emojis) over words, so we’re going to keep this quick.

📅 [[link removed]] Tomorrow marks our End-of-Month fundraising deadline for February.

😏 [[link removed]] And despite a few tough weeks, we thought we were actually going to hit our projections!

😞 [[link removed]] We were wrong. In fact, after a slooooowww fundraising weekend, we’re still $2,300 short of where we need to be.

🤯 [[link removed]] We’re no math geniuses (OK, maybe we are) , but with February being the shortest month of the year, we know we’re running out of time to get our fundraising numbers back on track.

🫵 [[link removed]] That’s where YOU come in.

💯 [[link removed]] We need 100 of Haley’s most committed grassroots supporters to chip in $23 before tomorrow at midnight to close this gap and hit our $10,000 End-of-Month goal.

🤑 [[link removed]] So, how ‘bout it? Will you chip in $23 to help Haley keep fighting for Michigan’s working families in Congress? [[link removed]]

Chip in $23 [[link removed]]
Other Amount [[link removed]]

🙏 [[link removed]] Thanks for pitching in!

🤟 [[link removed]] Stevens HQ

Haley Stevens for Congress
33717 Woodward Ave #539
Birmingham, MI 48009
United States

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