Time Sensitive Call to Action

My Fellow Republicans,

It has been an absolute pleasure of mine to serve you these past 2 years. Throughout this time we have evaluated the needs and the future of the party. One of these being certain laws regarding party nominations for the primary ballot. This is where you come in.

Over the past year we have been working with legislators on HB 393. This bill will solve many of the issues that are a factor in the sustainability of the party, as well as the party's ability to nominate candidates that represent the Republican party platform.

HB 393 still allows for the dual path to the ballot, convention nomination and/or signature gathering. It creates a provision that if someone receives more than 70% of the vote at convention they are advanced to the general election regardless of signature gathering. After analyzing historical data, we have yet to find a candidate who received less than 30% of the vote at the Nominating Convention, then went on to win the primary election. Thus we have come to the consensus of a 70% threshold. This gives us all a better balance of ballot access. This will ensure that candidates who are filing to run as Republicans in this state, must associate with the party whom they are seeking to represent.

This is a fantastic, well thought out piece of legislation and we commend the sponsors for putting this forward. This past Friday, HB 393 passed out of the Utah House with a

43-26 majority, and was sent to the Utah Senate for consideration.

This is my call to action for you:

Please reach out to your Senator and ask them to support HB 393 ( 70% Convention Nomination) Call, Message or Email.

If you do not know your State Senator, please visit: https://le.utah.gov/GIS/findDistrict.jsp

Be courteous and genuine.

Be absolutely sure that you state your name, and that you reside in their district.

For Example:

"My name is John Doe, I reside within your district at 4356 Elm Hurst Drive. As one of your constituents and a fellow Republican I am asking for your support of HB 393. I believe in the Republican party platform, and that the caucus and convention system has brought about the greatest governed state in the union. We want to ensure that we continue vetting and nominate candidates who best represent our beliefs as Republicans here in Utah. For that reason I ask for your support and vote for HB 393.

Best, John"

I am grateful for all of the support that you give to the party. I set out to fight for Utah, and for the governance that has made our state as strong as it is. I want to assure that we keep it that way. Time is of the essence, please reach out to your Senators now.

Thank You,

Chairman Jorgensen

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