News from UNITED
Greetings, all of our UNITED followers, and welcome back from what we hope was a restful, re-energizing, and reinvigorating break!
We here at UNITED are back with fresh ideas, renewed enthusiasm, and revived faith in creating a better Europe. The next few months are an exciting time for us: we will be holding a call for a new Campaign Preparatory Group (CPG)* as well as planning for the Action Week Against Racism – stay tuned!
*The CPG consists of grassroots activists from around Europe to design and implement Europe-wide campaigns that tackle racism and discrimination in its many forms. The CPG decides the structure, the activities, the rollout, and attends out biannual conferences to work on the rest.
The call will be released soon so keep your eye out for more details!

Action Week Against Racism is held on the 16-24th of March, around the International Day for Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination (21st March). This was a day established by the UN in 1966 after the massacre of 69 protestors in South Africa during the time of aparthid in 1960. Police opened fire on protestors, shooting many in the back as they fled. It’s a grim story, but not an uncommon one.
Every year around 21 March, the UNITED network coordinates the European-wide Action Week Against Racism and calls upon the international community to bring an end to racism, discrimination and intolerance, whether by organising activities, supporting others, or spreading the message.
Highlights from the 2019 campaign included the launch of a Manual on Community Policing by the InterCultural Cities (ICC) programme of the Council of Europe, a series of anti-racism events organised by the European Network Against Racism (ENAR) and partners in Brussels, the UN Anti-Racism Day Demonstration hosted by Stand Up To Racism and Love Music Hate Racism in London, and a vast Woche gegen Rassismus in Germany, coordinated by the Stiftung für die Internationalen Wochen gegen Rassismus, among others.
This year, we plan for more. Watch this space for more.
If you are an organization or an individual planning an activity for this time, report it to us by filling out this form! We will add it to our repository of activities, and feature it as an additional example of unity.
News from the network
The Greek Forum of Migrants is offering their guide for reporting hate crime in Greece in 11 languages. Download and share!
Funding call: The Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund is holding a call for proposals to prevent and combat racism, xenophobia, homophobia and other forms of intolerance and to monitor, prevent and counter hate speech online. Read More.
The Black International Cinema Berlin is holding a call for applications! The event will be held 7-10/05/2020. Apply now and read more.