Chuck's taking on the Republican House Majority. Friend, we've seen enough. The new Republican House Majority is a
disaster. They're dead-set on slashing Social Security and Medicare, restricting
abortion rights, and cutting taxes for the rich.
The only thing stopping them is our Democratic Senate Majority, and that means we need to hit our first fundraising goal of the year and keep our Majority strong. Donate to Chuck Schumer to become one of the 1,000 2023 Democratic Majority Founding Supporters we need by Tuesday at midnight: [link removed] CHIP IN → [link removed]
Check out Chuck's message below, and stop the MAGA extremists in their tracks.
– Team Schumer
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Chuck Schumer
Date: Sun, Jan 29, 2022
Subject: An even greater disaster than I could have guessed [link removed]
It's been nearly one month since MAGA Republicans took control of the House
Majority. And one thing is clear: It's an even greater disaster than I could
have guessed.
Our Democratic Senate Majority is the only thing standing in the way of the GOP's radical agenda, and it's never been more important to keep our majority strong. I'm setting our first fundraising goal of the year at 1,000 grassroots donations to make sure Democrats have what it takes to win the tough fights ahead. So can you chip in now to support Senate Democrats? [link removed] DONATE → [link removed]
Haven't been keeping up with the House Republicans' exploits? Here's a quick
recap: They took 15 votes to elect their Speaker -- the first time a Speaker hasn't been elected on the first ballot in a hundred years. All because MAGA extremists were cutting backroom deals to boost their power. The first bills they passed help the wealthy cheat on their taxes and restrict abortion rights. They announced their plan to hold our entire economy hostage and try to cut Medicare and Social Security.
Our new, expanded Democratic Senate Majority will be a brick wall against all of
the Republican House's extreme bills -- but it won't be easy. Republicans are
coming for our Majority next, so we need to get an early start on fundraising.
We can't let Republicans take back the Senate and have a blank check to pass
their dangerous agenda.
I'm ready for the tough fights ahead, but I need your help. Will you chip in to help us hit our FIRST goal of our new Democratic Majority and stop House Republicans' reckless schemes? [link removed] DONATE → [link removed]
Chuck Schumer
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